Monday, August 22, 2011

FiRst daY of sChool...

well- we can add one more thing to the 'done it' list!
I left my child, my baby, my world with a bunch of strangers this morning. I knew the day was coming and I really have been giddy about letting him experience school. I'm not sure the reality that we actually did it has hit me yet. He has a pretty full schedule because we are sending him to 2 schools. He goes to PPCD (Preschool Program for children with disabilities) and school at our church, Prestonwood. 3 days at PPCD and 2 days at Prestonwood.

first day of school...

First we went to meet the teacher at Prestonwood ~ 

then we went over to Lawson where he will attend PPCD ~

he got to find his cubbie hole ~ he loved that! 
thought it was very cool he could hang his backpack on the hook! 

 then he had to put his lunch away ~ he wasn't so sure about leaving his new Buzz Lightyear lunchbox

 then he sat down and never looked back... just like a big boy ~

I am so proud, really of all 3 of us. This was a big step and Carter was probably the only one not nervous. Sean and I want him to be able to be around other children and experience normal activities. 
We just pray he can stay healthy! 
We will see how his "second" first day goes tomorrow at  
Prestonwood! Thanks for all your prayers!