Friday, September 23, 2011

What's up with Carter?

I have had a couple of people ask about Carter's health.
And since I am in one of my insomia blogging craziness,
 I think I'll do a little Carter update!

Carter is going to school, actually 2 schools and doing really well.
We have started to see the progression everyone said we would.
He is taking interest in things he never has before ~
Like numbers and coloring
The biggest change is his speech.
Instead of just not responding when people speak to him,
he is now trying to respond with the sounds he knows.

I ask him the other day if he wanted to watch Toy Story
he said yes (he has had yes & no for awhile)
I then asked him 1, 2 or 3- he said t-eeee meaning three.
A few weeks ago, he would've just gone and found the one he wanted.

Along with his speech, we are seeing new physical strength.
Carter has been going to PT for 1 1/2 years and we have seen him go from barely sitting
to sort-of crawling to walking and now almost running.
He hasn't mastered jumping off things or off the ground, but we are close.
He loves "bouncing" on the bed- I think he thinks he is jumping

Fearless, he is completely fearless.
Almost to the point we have to show him he needs to fear somethings.
He is so smart. So smart. I can see the wheels turning.
I think the changes are so obvious,
because they are happening so fast.
Most children have 4 years to transition from one thing to another...
Carter is in super warp speed catch up.
We literally see 2-3 new things a day.
Whether it's problem solving, or working a puzzle, or figuring out how to reach something on a high shelf.
I will be very interested to see what his teacher says at his first progress meeting.
hopefully she thinks he is as smart as I do.
So far, we haven't seen any cognitive problems.
but we do know that some things can be uncovered as new skills are introduced.
He has endured so much and so many drugs,
we have no idea what those could have effected in the long run

His current weight is around 27 lbs and he is 36 inches tall.
Still very short for a four year old, but I think he is growing everyday.
In May, his shoe size was a 4. A 4 is still considered an infant shoe.
When we went to get his soccer shoes, they measured him at a 6 1/2
2 1/2 shoe sizes in 3 months ~ crazy
His shorts are actually shorts now and not capri's

As far as his transplant, things are going great.
His Rapamune levels are stable and we only get labs once a month right now.
Obviously, that can change at anytime.
He is currently on 2 meds ~ his immune suppression, Rapamune & Mepron, which protects him from PCP
He does get sub-q IGG every 3 weeks to give him extra protection for his immune system.
I think the IGG has been a huge key in keeping him healthy

His feeding has it's good days and bad days.
I am told by every other mom, even normal 4 year olds have days they just don't eat.
but because we don't want him to lose any weight, he is still on tube feeds at night.
He gets Pediasure to help make sure he gets enough calories.
He is so active now, you can just watch the calories burn off
He does pretty good eating 3 meals a day and snacks.
We have just introduced him to apple juice ~
thanks to Disney for putting a Toy Story themed juice box on the shelf right at his eye level!
gotta love marketing ~ those people are genuis
I was just thrilled he is drinking it, I don't care who is on the box!
Drinking juice has been a challenge for us.
He prefers water, but now thank you to Buzz & Woody,
he wants apple juice!

Let's see... what's next?
potty training.
Well, he loves the potty. So much that he doesn't want to mess it up with poop or pee.
He thinks it is so cool to wear big-boy underwear and sit on the potty, play with the toilet paper & flush...
but he doesn't do the deed.
I'm not really worried, but it would be nice to lose those diapers.
I am taking the "in his own time" approach.
I think they also work on this at school...
that would rock if his wonderful teacher could just take care of this for me!

somedays i forget...
sometimes people stop and tell me how cute he is
... and they don't know.
somedays i think i am asking for too much....
but i wonder who sets those boundaries.
somedays i cry thinking of it all...
and he wipes my tears.
somedays i don't know how to explain it to people...
could they ever truly comprehend.
somedays it hurts to love him so much...
i pray that hurt never leaves my body.
somedays i wonder what will be...
then i give his fate back to God.
somedays i try remember life before him...
i can't. 
somedays he is all i need...
everyday he is God's gift to me.

~ i love you car-car