Monday, September 5, 2011

talk about a perfect day...

I never really got labor day. I knew we didn't go to school, didn't go to work, but what is Labor Day really all about?
My interpretation goes something like this... started school 2 weeks ago, completely exhausted from all the schedule changes and trying to be everything to everyone, praying for a day to rest, need to catch-up on a long list of things.... hello Labor day!
I'm sure the official meaning has a little more polish and shine on it, but I will take it!

Many of you know that we have literally been battling the heat for over 3 months now. Yes, Texas is always hot, but this summer has been different. We haven't seen any notable rain in 3 months.
Our ground has cracks in it the size of... well, Texas!!
The trees, grass, kiddos, shrubs, plants, you name it have been miserable.

But today... the high was in the 70's!!!!
The most beautiful blue sky you can imagine.
We quickly threw open all the windows and took in the breeze.
Which brings me to Carter ~
Carter got a new Elmo kite for his birthday (july) and he is constantly asking to go outside and play with it.
Everyday, I have to explain to him that there is no wind and it's just too hot.
So today after we went out to play in the 70 degrees, he disappeared to go and find his kite.
No excuses today!
We grabbed up and went out to the area behind our house to find the wind whipping around just waiting for a kite!

Carter thought this was SO COOL!

all about the monogram baby!

{ my beautiful boy enjoying a beautiful day }

 And it was all fun and games until Sean got a little
over confident that Carter could hold the kite himself ~
watch Carter's hand right at the beginning
(and please excuse the girl-like screaming and running by my husband)

It was great day
Happy Labor Day to everyone !