Friday, September 23, 2011

back to school dance...

yes, you read that right.. a dance for 4 year olds.
This was actually friday night before the scary rash- sorry the post are out of order.

Since I have volunteered to be the chairman for the yearbook committee, I had to go and take pictures.
 I hadn't really planned on staying, but my little John Travolta was bustin it on the dancefloor so we stayed ~

so you might be thinkin....

what exactly do 4 year olds do at a dance?

Well, one kid did the worm across the floor ~
which Carter thought was AWESOME!
So- he got on the floor and did the worm
I know his Uncle Jerry is very proud!
(P.S. this could totally be where the scary rash came from )

then, my daddy got there ~ you might know that Sean is also a dancin man 

Raise the Roof !

lovin a little Michael Jackson~
abc... easy as 123...

and then more worm

Dear God, please don't let the transplant team see him on that floor.

Um, who requested this Cotton Eyed Joe Crap?

a little Lady Gaga - much better!

He wasn't so sure about being a follower in the conga line

He had been watching everyone play with balloons all night,
but they were all taken
until this lonely orange one found it's way to C

he was VERY happy

dancin with his new balloon

then he thought it was hilarious to let it go

and then get it back
over and over and over...

watching him have new experiences
gives me joy I can't even explain.